Crisis of Crime
Crisis of Crime aims to educate about criminology and criminal justice reform. Is our Criminal Justice System broken, or working as intended? I suppose it would depend on who you ask. Join me as I explore criminological theory as well as topics such as systemic racism, discrimination, and reforms.
Crisis of Crime
The Jeffrey Curley Murder and Routine Activities Theory
Rachel Means
Season 3
Episode 10
In this episode, I discuss the murder of Jeffrey Curley, not only how the crime happened, but also how it can be explained using the Routine Activities Theory - specifically the idea of capable guardianship. Additionally, I briefly discuss shared responsibility and revictimization in the criminal justice system.
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Sources for this episode:
Karmen, A. (2015). Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology (9). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Macquarrie, B. (2009). The Ride: The Jeffrey Curley Murder and Its Aftermath. Philadelphia, PA: Da Capo Press.