Crisis of Crime
Crisis of Crime
Who's Responsible for the Bernie Madoff Affair
In this episode, I discuss the regulatory bodies that were in place who failed to prevent the Bernie Madoff Affair, shared responsibility, and appropriate sanctions for all parties involved.
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Sources for this episode:
Definition. (2017). Ponzi. Dictionary.com, Retrieved from: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/ponzi--scheme
FINRA. (2009). FINRA Defends its Role in Madoff Scandal. Reuters, Retrieved from: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-madoff-finra-sb-idUSTRE50E0EQ20090115
Gaviria, M. (Director). (2009). The Madoff Affair [online video]. United States. PBS International
Moyer, L. (2009). How Regulators Missed Madoff. Forbes, Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/2009/01/27/bernard-madoff-sec-business-wall-street_0127_regulators.html
Schlegel, K., Weisburd, D. (1992). White-Collar Crime Reconsidered. Northeastern University Press.
SEC. (2011). General Information on the Regulation of Investment Advisors. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Retrieved from: https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/iaregulation/memoia.htm