Crisis of Crime
Crisis of Crime aims to educate about criminology and criminal justice reform. Is our Criminal Justice System broken, or working as intended? I suppose it would depend on who you ask. Join me as I explore criminological theory as well as topics such as systemic racism, discrimination, and reforms.
Crisis of Crime
Enron and White-Collar Crime
Rachel Means
Season 3
Episode 8
In this episode, I discuss different theories that fall under the umbrella of white-collar crime, using former Enron executives as examples. If you are unfamiliar with the Enron Scandal, I would recommend watching the documentary, "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" for a great overview. I briefly describe what happened, but not in great detail.
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Sources for this episode:
Gibney, A. (Director). (2005). Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room [Motion Picture].
Schlegel, K. & Weisburd, D. (1992). White Collar Crime Reconsidered. Northeastern University Press.