Crisis of Crime
Crisis of Crime
Gender, Crime, and the Problem with Prostitution
In this episode, I'll be discussing how gender relates to crime including how traditional gender roles have affected an individual's potential criminality. Then I'll review the liberal and radical schools of thought regarding feminist criminology. Lastly, I'll explore the biggest problems we are facing in regards to prostitution and sex trafficking. Link to The Typology of Modern Slavery: https://polarisproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Polaris-Typology-of-Modern-Slavery-1.pdf
Sources for today's episode:
ACF. (2020). Federal Government Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking. Office on Trafficking in Persons: An Office of the Administration for Children and Families.*
ADF. (2020). Overview of Decriminalization vs. Legalization. Alcohol and Drug Foundation.*
Bureau of Public Affairs. (2004). Link Between Prostitution and Sex Trafficking. U.S. Department of State.*
Charles, J. B. (2018). 3 Cities Lead Fight Against Human Trafficking. Governing.*
Cullen, F., Agnew, R., Wilcox, P. (2014). Criminological Theory: Past to Present (5th Edition). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Neal Davis. (2020). What is Compelling Prostitution in Texas. Neal Davis Law Firm.*
New York. (2020). New York Prostitution Laws. Find Law.*
NIJ. (2009). Prostitution: Pathways, Problems, and Prevention. National Institute of Justice.*
Polaris. (2017). The Typology of Modern Slavery. Polaris.*
Schwartzbach, M. (2020). Prostitution Laws. Criminal Defense Lawyer.*
Texas. (2020). Texas Prostitution Laws. Find Law.*
Uncategorized. (2020). Facts About Human Trafficking in the US. Deliver Fund.*
*Please email me at crisisofcrime@gmail.com for links to websites, the description box has a limited number of characters it allows.